
Kvinne Kraft 40 g



Stabiliserende, stimulerende og kvinne styrkende urtete.
Bringebær, brennesle, mjødurt, rødkløver, hassel, nyseryllik og villrose

Original price was: kr150.00.Current price is: kr139.00.


Kvinne Kraft/ Women’s Power
A blend put together by 7 different herbs.

 Known to contain:
Vitamin A, B2, B3, B9, C, D, E, F,
Iron, Copper, Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Zink, Salicylic acid, Flavonoids, Essential Oils, Potassium ++

Workings a: 
The herbs used are traditionally used for treating menstrual pain, , PMS, give you more energy, stabilize hormones, boost the immune system, strengthen your nerves, treat skin disorders, hair straightening, uterus empowering, good for the mucous membranes.

Raspberry leaf is also a important herb in this blend, a herb that is really beneficial for woman. It is known to be relaxing for the uterus, milk stimulant, mucosal tonic, regulate discharge, flu.

You also find, meadowsweet, a natural painkiller, used traditionally for heartburn, colds, upset stomach, and good for cleansing mucus. In the 1890’s meadowsweet was used to make aspirin, because of its natural compound of salicylic acid.

Yarrow the womens herb, known to stimulate the circulation, stopping excessive blood flow, stimulates the uterus to give a natural flow of menstruation, and also good if you struggle with menstruation pain. Overall good for women’s health.

Nettle is also a herb used in this fantastic mix, as it is known to be super high in iron, Calcium and Magnesium. Vitamin A, B, C and E. Really good for your brain, as it contains many B vitamins, Iron to stabilize the iron levels in the body, that many women often struggles with. A natural energy booster, and full of nutrients. Witch make this herb a fantastic addition to this mix.

Ash which is used traditionally to reduce cellulite. it has anti – inflammatory and anti rhumatisme properties. Good to cleanse toxins, as it cleanses waste thru urine. Also good for appetite.

Hazel  is been used traditionally to smooth the skin, from broken skin, to acne, eczema and inflamed skin. Reduces inflammation in the body. stabilize discharge, menstruation cramps

How to use: 

Method 1: (If you struggle with heavy menstrual pain and cramps)
Use one table spoon of the herb for tea. 

Start drinking the tea 1 week, before you expect your period to come.
Infuse the herbs with hot water, let the herbs sit in the boiled water for 15 minutes then drink. The same herb can be used three times. So you can use the same herb three times the same day. Continue this every day to your period comes, also use the the during the period. To stabilize overflow of blood and pain. You will find that using the herbs one week before will help your body get prepared for the menstruation.

Method 2:
Use the tea as a natural energy booster, hormone stabilizer, and brain power. Use the tea whenever you feel like it, when you need an extra boost to your day, to strengthen your nerves, boost the immune system.

Boil up water by it self, and then add it to the herb. Let it be for 15 minutes, then drink. This method can be used three times with the same herb.

Method 3:
(because the mix contain roots, you can get more powers of this method) 

Add the herb in a pot with cold water, heat the herb with the water (do not boil) Take it of oven right before boiling. Let it be for 15-20 minutes, and drink. This method can be used three times with the same herb.

Should not be consumed by pregnant woman.


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