
Villmynte 40 g


Inneholder: Åkermynte, peppermynte og geitrams.

Smakskarakter: Mild, frisk og rund mynte

Original price was: kr150.00.Current price is: kr139.00.



Inneholder: Åkermynte, peppermynte og geitrams.

Smakskarakter: Mild, frisk og rund mynte

Method 1: Infusion

Boil up water by it self, and then add it to the herb. Let it be for 15 minutes, then drink. This method can be used three times with the same herb.

Method 2:
(because the mix contain roots, you can get more powers of this method) 

Add the herb in a pot with cold water, heat the herb with the water (do not boil) Take it of oven right before boiling. Let it be for 15-20 minutes, and drink. This method can be used three times with the same herb.



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